Batteries, Power and Energy Systems
Finding more efficient ways to power today’s complex, energy-hungry systems is an on-going challenge. General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) specializes in creating power and energy systems designed to meet that challenge and support a wide range of land, sea, and air applications.
Lithium-ion Fault Tolerant (LiFT) Battery Systems

- Safe, fault tolerant design
- High power
- Approved for use by the U.S. Navy and classified by DNV-GL
- On-hull, at-sea tested in manned submersibles
- Long lifecycle
- Configurable to suit different form factors and energy storage requirements
LiFT battery systems are modular, high energy density solutions for manned and unmanned submersibles, surface vessels, land vehicles, and airborne platforms. LiFT’s single cell fault tolerance prevents uncontrolled and catastrophic cascading cell failure. This ensures the safety of personnel and equipment, and keeps systems operating through faults to enable mission completion.
Lithium-ion Fault Tolerant Battery Systems
On-Demand Hydrogen & Heat Generation Systems

- High energy density
- Point of use power to improve mobility, endurance
- Quiet operation for surveillance, reconnaissance missions
- Simple operation and refueling process
- Modular and scalable
GA-EMS’ on-demand hydrogen and heat generation technology and turnkey fuel cell systems provide significant operational advantages for a range of all-domain applications.
High Speed Power Generation Systems
- High power density
- Efficient permanent magnet generators
- Modular drives for power conversion
- Significant fuel savings over ship service life
- Direct couple eliminates gearbox
GA-EMS designs and manufactures High Speed Power Generation (HSPG) systems, including permanent magnet motors, generators, and modular drives, to meet the escalating power demand to support ship services and systems.
LEARN MORECapacitors
- High energy density, high peak currents
- Low inductance, low ESR
- Wide temperature range
- High mechanical shock
- Greater reliability
GA-EMS is globally recognized as the leading U.S. developer and manufacturer of advanced high voltage capacitors to meet demanding requirements, specifications, and extreme operating environments.